Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gunther Jäger
- MBB/MESB 1000 Mathematik I
- MBB/MSEB 1010 Mathematik II
- MBM 1000 Ausgewählte Kapitel der Mathematik
- SSDM 1000 Selected Chapters of Mathematics
Prof. Jäger studierte an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Diplom-Mathematik und promovierte auch dort in Mathematik. Von 1998 bis 2001 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. Dort beschäftigte er sich mit der Anwendung von fuzzy Methoden und neuronalen Netzen in der automatischen Bilderkennung von Synthetischen Apertur Radar (SAR) Bildern. Im Anschluss ging er für 2 Jahre als postdoctoral research fellow an das Department of Mathematics der Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Südafrika. Nach einer Zwischenstation als Vertretungsprofessor an der Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, ging er 2005 erneut an die Rhodes University, Südafrika, diesmal als Associate Professor im Department of Statistics. Von 2009 bis 2012 war er dort auch Head of Department. Seit 2012 lehrt er an der Hochschule Stralsund die Mathematikvorlesungen in der Fakultät für Maschinenbau.
Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen neben statistischen Methoden und Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz bei der Klassifikation, hauptsächlich im Bereich der verbandswertigen Konvergenzräume. Er ist Mitglied des Editorial Boards der Fachzeitschrift „Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics“.
80 | Jäger, G.: Quasi-Convergence Spaces and Biconvergence Spaces, Topology Proceedings 64 (2024), 83 – 102. |
79 | Jäger, G.: Uniformly continuous extension in L-uniform convergence tower spaces, Filomat 38 (2) (2024), 577 – 588. |
78 | Jäger, G.: Completeness for saturated L-quasi uniform limit spaces, Trans. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2(2) (2023), 127 – 136. |
77 | Jäger, G.: Completions of T-quasi-Cauchy spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 20(7) (2023), 71 – 84. |
76 | Jäger, G.: T-Quasi-Cauchy spaces – a non-symmetric theory of completeness and completion, Applied General Topology 24(1) (2023), 205 – 227. |
75 | Jäger, G.: Diagonal conditions and uniformly continuous extension in T-uniform limit spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 19(5) (2022), 131 – 145. |
74 | Jäger, G.: Sequential completeness for T-quasi-uniform spaces and a fixed point theorem, in Special Issue: New Progress in General Topology and Its Applications, Mathematics 10(13) (2022), 2285. |
73 | Jäger, G.: T-nets and T-filters, Trans. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1(1) (2022), 59 – 73. |
72 | Jäger, G. and Yue, Y.: T-uniform convergence spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 19(2) (2022), 133 – 149. |
71 | Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued convergence tower spaces: Diagonal axioms and continuous extension, Filomat 35(11) (2021), 3801 – 3810. |
70 | Jäger, G. and Ahsanullah, T.M.G.: Characterization of transitivity in L-tolerance spaces by convergence and closure, in Special Issue: Fuzzy logic as the foundation for theories of fuzzy mathematical structures, Axioms 10(4) (2021), 268. |
69 | Jäger, G. and Ahsanullah T.M.G.: Quantale-valued Cauchy tower spaces and completeness, Applied General Topology 22(2) (2021), 461 – 481. |
68 | Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued Wijsman convergence, Matematicki Vesnik 73(3) (2021), 191 – 208. |
67 | Jäger, G.: The Wijsman structure of a quantale-valued metric space, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 17(1) (2020), 171 – 184. |
66 | Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued generalizations of approach spaces and quantale-valued topological spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 42(10) (2019), 1313 – 1333. |
65 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued uniformization of quantale-valued generalizations of approach groups, New Math. and Nat. Comp. 15(3) (2019), 517 – 538. |
64 | Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued uniform convergence towers for quantale-valued metric spaces, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 48(5) (2019), 1443 – 1453. |
63 | Jäger, G. and Shi, F.-G.: (L,M)-fuzzy metric spaces and convergence, Matematicki Vesnik 71 (1-2) (2019), 31 – 44. |
62 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued generalizations of approach groups, New Math. and Nat. Comp. 15(1) (2019), 1 – 30. |
61 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Probabilistic convergence transformation groups, Mathematica Slovaca 68(6) (2018), 1447 – 1464. |
60 | Jäger, G. and Ahsanullah, T.M.G.: Characterization of quantale-valued metric spaces and quantale-valued partial metric spaces by convergence, Applied General Topology 19(1) (2018), 129 – 144. |
59 | Jäger, G. and Yao, W.: Quantale-valued gauge spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 15 (1) (2018), 103 – 122. |
58 | Jäger, G.: Quantale-valued generalizations of approach spaces: L-approach systems, Topology Proceedings 51 (2018), 253 – 276. |
57 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Stratified LMN-convergence tower groups and their stratified LMN-uniform convergence tower structures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 330 (2018), 105 – 123. |
56 | Jäger, G.: On stratified lattice-valued convergence spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 14 (2017), 149 – 164. |
55 | Jäger, G.: Probabilistic approach spaces, Mathematica Bohemica 142 (2017), 277 – 298. |
54 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Probabilistic uniformization and probabilistic metrization of probabilistic convergence groups, Mathematica Slovaca 67 (2017), 985 – 1000. |
53 | Jäger, G.: A common framework for lattice-valued, probabilistic and approach uniform (convergence) spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 14 (2017), 67 – 82. |
52 | Jäger, G. and Yao, W.: Completely prime L-filters, irreducible L-filters and sobriety, Quaestiones Mathematicae 39 (2016), 831 – 844. |
51 | Jäger, G.: Connectedness and local connectedness for lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 300 (2016), 134 – 146. |
50 | Jäger, G.: Uniform connectedness and uniform local connectedness for lattice-valued uniform convergence spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 13 (2016), 95 – 111. |
49 | Jäger, G.: Stratified LMN-convergence tower spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 282 (2016), 62 – 73. |
48 | Pinchuck, A.L. and Jäger, G.: On the isomorphy of categories of probabilistic limit spaces under t-norms, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 44(6) (2015), 1411 – 1426. |
47 | Jäger, G.: A convergence theory for probabilistic metric spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 38 (2015), 587 – 599. |
46 | Jäger, G.: Remarks on completeness of lattice-valued Cauchy spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 12(4), (2015), 123 – 132. |
45 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: Probabilistic uniform convergence spaces redefined, Acta Math. Hungarica 146 (2015), 376 – 390. |
44 | Jäger, G.: On diagonal completion of lattice-valued diagonal Cauchy spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 267 (2015), 18 – 30. |
43 | Ahsanullah, T.M.G. and Jäger, G.: On approach limit groups and their uniformization, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sci. 9 (2014), 195 – 213. |
42 | Jäger, G.: Extensions of contractions and uniform contractions on dense subspaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 37 (2014), 111– 125. |
41 | Jäger, G. and Ahsanullah, T.M.G.: Probabilistic limit groups under a t-norm, Topology Proceedings 44 (2014), 59 – 74. |
40 | Jäger, G.: A note on stratified LM-filters, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 10(4), (2013), 135 – 142. |
39 | Jäger, G.: Gähler’s neighbourhood condition for convergence approach spaces, Acta Math. Hungarica 139 (2013), 19-31. |
38 | Jäger, G.: Diagonal conditions for lattice-valued uniform convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 210 (2013), 39 – 53. |
37 | Jäger, G.: A note on neighbourhoods for approach spaces, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 41 (2012), 283 – 290. |
36 | Jäger, G.: Convergence approach spaces and approach spaces as lattice-valued convergence spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 9(4), (2012), 1 – 16. |
35 | Jäger, G.: Gähler’s neighbourhood condition for lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 204 (2012), 27 – 39. |
34 | Jäger, G.: A Stone-Čech type compactification for convergence approach spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 35 (2012), 209 – 217. |
33 | Jäger, G.: Largest and smallest T2-compactifications of lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 190 (2012), 32 – 46. |
32 | Jäger, G.: A one-point compactification for lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 190 (2012), 21 – 31. |
31 | Orpen, D. and Jäger, G.: Lattice-valued convergence spaces: Extending the lattice context, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 190 (2012), 1 – 20. |
30 | Jäger, G.: Lattice-valued categories of lattice-valued convergence spaces, Iranian J. of Fuzzy Systems 8, No. 2 (2011), 67 – 89. |
29 | Jäger, G.: Compactness in lattice-valued function spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 2962 – 2974. |
28 | Jäger, G.: Lattice-valued Cauchy spaces and completion, Quaestiones Mathematicae 33 (2010), 53 – 74. |
27 | Jäger, G.: Compactification of lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 1002 – 1010. |
26 | Craig, A.K. and Jäger, G.: A common framework for lattice-valued uniform spaces and probabilistic uniform limit spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (2009), 1177 – 1203. |
25 | Jäger, G.: Level spaces for lattice-valued uniform convergence spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 31 (2008), 255 – 277. |
24 | Jäger, G.: Lattice-valued convergence spaces and regularity, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (2008), 2488 – 2502. |
23 | Jäger, G.: Fischer’s diagonal condition for lattice-valued convergence spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 31 (2008), 11 – 25. |
22 | Jäger, G.: Pretopological and topological lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158 (2007), 424 – 435. |
21 | Jäger, G.: Lattice-valued continuous convergence is induced by a lattice-valued uniform convergence structure, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (2006), 2715 – 2724. |
20 | Jäger, G. and Burton, M.H.: Stratified L-uniform convergence spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 28 (2005), 11 – 36. |
19 | Jäger, G.: Subcategories of lattice-valued convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 156 (2005), 1 – 24. |
18 | Jäger, G.: Lowen fuzzy convergence spaces viewed as [0,1]-fuzzy convergence spaces, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 10 (2002), 227 – 236. |
17 | Jäger, G.: Characterization of fuzzy properties in I-topological spaces, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 10 (2002), 49 – 58. |
16 | Jäger, G.: Fuzzy properties in fuzzy convergence spaces, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 29 (2002), 737 – 748. |
15 | Jäger, G.: Degrees of compactness in fuzzy convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 125 (2002), 167 – 175. |
14 | Jäger, G.: A category of L-fuzzy convergence spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 24 (2001), 501 – 518. |
13 | Jäger, G.: Even continuity and equicontinuity in fuzzy topology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 123 (2001), 159 – 167. |
12 | Jäger, G.: On connectedness in fuzzy convergence spaces, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 8 (2000), 181 – 190. |
11 | Jäger, G.: Pointwise convergence, continuous convergence and even continuity in FNS, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 112 (2000), 277 – 285. |
10 | Jäger, G.: Compactness in fuzzy function spaces, Quaestiones Mathematicae 23 (2000), 203 – 217. |
9 | Jäger, G.: Fuzzy uniform convergence and equicontinuity, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 109 (2000), 187 – 198. |
8 | Jäger, G.: On fuzzy function spaces, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 22 (1999), 727 – 737. |
7 | Jäger, G.: Relative compact fuzzy subsets in fuzzy convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 101 (1999), 159 – 165. |
6 | Jäger, G.: Function spaces in FTS, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 6 (1998), 929 – 939. |
5 | Jäger, G.: Compactness and connectedness as absolute properties in fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 94 (1998), 405 – 410. |
4 | Jäger, G.: Separation axioms for fuzzy convergence spaces, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 5 (1997), 915 – 924. |
3 | Jäger, G.: Extending 2α-connectedness to fuzzy subsets, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 5 (1997), 733 – 740. |
2 | Jäger, G.: The Richardson compactification for fuzzy convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 92 (1997), 349 – 355. |
1 | Jäger, G.: Compactness in fuzzy convergence spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 90 (1997), 341 – 348. |
4 | Dastile, X., Jäger, G., Debba, P. and Cho, M.: Combining binary classifiers to improve tree species discrimination at leaf level, Annual Proceedings of the South African Statistical Association Conference, Congress 1 (2012), 67 – 74. |
3 | Hellmann, M. and Jäger, G.: Fuzzy rule based classification of polarimetric SAR data, Aerospace Science and Technology 6 (2002), 217 – 232. |
2 | Dimou, A. and Jäger, G.: A family of fuzzy edge detectors for SAR images, DLR internal report 551-4 / 2000, 114 pages, German Aerospace Centre DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 2000. |
1 | Jäger, G. and Benz, U.: Measures of classification accuracy based on fuzzy similarity, IEEE Trans. Geosci. & Remote Sensing 38 (2000), 1462 – 1467. |
16 | Jäger, G.: On the completeness of a quantale-valued metric space, Proceedings of the 9th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Bam, Iran 2022, 364 – 367. ( |
15 | Dastile, X.., Jäger, G., Debba, P. and Cho, M.: Combining binary classifiers to improve tree species discrimination at leaf level,Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association (SASA 2012), Port Elizabeth, South Africa 2012, (ISBN 978-1-86822-621-4), 67 – 74. ( |
14 | Baxter, J.S., Jäger, G. and Blatch, G.L.: Review of the implementation of codon usage bias in software utilised in the design of functional synthetic protein coding regions, (Poster presentation), abstract in: S. Hazelhurst and M. Ramsay, Eds. Proceedings of the First Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop (SABioinf 2007), Johannesburg, South Africa, January 2007 (ISBN 978-0-620-38113-0), 28 – 30. |
13 | Dimou, A., Uzunoglu, N. and Jäger, G.: Adaptive edge enhancement in SAR images: Training on the data vs. training on simulated data, Proc. EUSAR 2002, Cologne, Germany 2002, 141 – 144. |
12 | Hellmann, M. and Jäger, G.: Fuzzy rule based polarimetric SAR data classification, Proc. EUSAR 2002, Cologne, Germany 2002, 701 – 704. |
11 | Hellmann, M. and Jäger, G.: Soft computing approaches for classification of fully polarimetric SAR images, Proc. URSI 2002, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 2002. |
10 | Dimou, A., Jäger, G., Frangos, P.: Adaptive edge enhancement in SAR images: training on the data vs. training on simulated data, Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001), Thessaloniki, Greece, October 7-10, 2001, 493 – 496. |
9 | Thiel, C., Grünler, S., Herold, M., Hochschild, V., Jäger, G. and Hellmann, M.: Interpretation and analysis of polarimetric L-band E-SAR-data for the derivation of hydrologic land surface parameters, Proc. IGARSS 2001, Sidney, Australia 2001. |
8 | Hellmann, M., Jäger, G. and Pottier, E.: Fuzzy clustering and interpretation of fully polarimetric SAR data, Proc. IGARSS 2001, Sidney, Australia 2001, 2790 – 2792. |
7 | Dimou, A., Uzunoglu, N., Frangos, P., Jäger, G. and Benz, U.: Linear features detection in SAR images using fuzzy edge detection, Proc. NATO RTO set symposium on "space-based observation techniques" SBOT 2000, Samos, Greece 2000, RTO MP-61, 49/1 - 49/12. |
6 | Benz, U., Fischer, J. and Jäger, G.: Image content dependent compression of polarimetric SAR data, Proc. IGARSS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii 2000, 2645 – 2647. |
5 | Dimou, A., Jäger, G., Benz, U. and Makios, V.: A fuzzy edge detector for SAR-images, Proc. Eusar 2000, Munich, Germany 2000, 699 – 702. |
4 | Jäger, G., Benz, U. and Scheiber, R.: Knowledge-based quality assessment and improvement of digital elevation models, Proc. Eusar 2000, Munich, Germany 2000, 335 – 338. |
3 | Benz, U. and Jäger, G.: Multichannel classification of SAR-images using fuzzy logic, Proc. 4th Int. Airborne Remote Sensing Conf./ 21st Canadian Symp. Remote Sensing, Vol. II, Ottawa, Canada 1999, 857 – 866. |
2 | Hellmann, M., Jäger, G., Krätzschmar, E. and Habermayer, M.: Classification of fully polarimetric SAR-data using artificial neural networks and fuzzy algorithms, Proc. IGARSS 99, Hamburg, Germany 1999, 1995 – 1997. |
1 | Jäger, G. and Benz, U.: Supervised fuzzy classification of SAR data using multiple sources, Proc. IGARSS 99, Hamburg, Germany 1999, 1603 – 1605. |
July 2023 | 2023 International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Nafpaktos, Greece: Quasi-Cauchy spaces and completion. |
June 2023 | MB-colloquium, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund, Germany: Von den reellen Zahlen zu mehrwertigen Konvergenzräumen - Eine kleine Reise durch die mengentheoretische Topologie aus der Perspektive der Konvergenz. (From the real numbers to many-valued convergence spaces - A short journey through set-theoretic topology from the viewpoint of convergence.) |
March 2022 | 9th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, Bam, Iran: On the completeness of a quantale-valued metric space. |
Dec 2020 | E-Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences III, National University of Sciences & Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan: Quantale-valued convergence – a common framework for different structures in topology |
July 2019 | 34th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, Johannesburg, South Africa: Wijsman convergence in the hyperspace of closed sets of an L-ordered set. |
June 2019 | Xi’an Conference on Topology and Applications, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an, China: On Wijsman convergence in the hyperspace of closed sets of a quantale-valued metric space. |
June 2019 | Research seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics, China: Quantale-valued uniform towers and quantale-valued uniform convergence towers for quantale-valued metric spaces. On Wijsman convergence in the hyperspace of closed sets of a quantale-valued metric space. |
July 2018 | 2018 International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Nafpaktos, Greece: Quantale-valued uniform convergence towers for quantale-valued metric spaces. |
May 2017 | 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Topology and Related Topics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China: Quantale-valued generalizations of approach spaces. |
Aug. 2017 | Workshop “Hidden Markov Models”, Research Unit in Bioinformatics, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. |
Nov. 2015 | 1st Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications (PPICTA), Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, China: Probabilistic approach spaces. |
Nov. 2015 | Lecture at Hebei University, China: Metric spaces and approach spaces. |
May 2014 | Research seminar at Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Mathematics, China: A convergence theory for probabilistic metric spaces and a lattice-valued framework for it. |
May 2014 | Lecture at Hebei University, China: Topology and Convergence. |
Nov. 2012 | 54th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, NMMU (Port Elizabeth), South Africa: Combining binary classifiers to improve tree species discrimination at leaf level (with X. Dastile, P. Debba and M. Cho). |
Nov. 2011 | 53rd Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, CSIR (Pretoria), South Africa: Protein secondary structure prediction: An application of Bayesian adaptive regression trees (with Jeremy Baxter). |
Dec. 2011 | Joint Congress of the South African and American Mathematical Societies, NMMU (Port Elizabeth), South Africa: Gähler’s neighbourhood condition for lattice-valued convergence spaces and convergence approach spaces. |
March 2010 | Statistics Seminar, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: Lifetime Analysis with Vague Data. |
April 2010 | Statistics Seminar, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction: Comparison of Machine Learning algorithms and Encoding Schemes. |
Nov. 2010 | 52nd Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, North West University (Potchefstrom), South Africa: The use of hyperspectral data for tree species discrimination: Combining binary classifiers (with X. Dastile and P. Debba). |
Feb. 2009 | Statistics Seminar, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: Fuzzy Statistics. |
May 2009 | Biochemistry Seminar, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: On some problems in predicting protein secondary structure with machine learning algorithms. |
Nov. 2009 | 52nd Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society, University of Johannesburg, South Africa:Lattice-valued categories of lattice-valued convergence spaces. |
Nov. 2009 | 52nd Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society, University of Johannesburg, South Africa: Characterization of lattice-valued topological spaces by convergence (with D. Orpen). |
Nov. 2008 | 51st Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, University of Pretoria, South Africa (with J. Baxter): The effect of different protein sequence encoding schemes on the prediction of protein secondary structure. |
Jan. 2007 | SABioinf 2007, Johannisburg, South Africa (with Baxter, J.S., Blatch, G.L.): Review of the implementation of codon usage bias in software utilised in the designof functional synthetic protein coding regions, (Poster presentation), abstract in: S. Hazelhurst and M. Ramsay, Eds. Proceedings of the First Southern African Bioinformatics Workshop (SABioinf 2007), Johannesburg, South Africa, 28-30 January 2007. ISBN 978-0-620-38113-0. |
May 2007 | Mathematics Seminar, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: Uniform spaces and uniform convergence spaces. |
Nov. 2007 | 50th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa: Clustering algorithms and their effect on edge preservation in image compression (with N. Ndebele). |
Nov. 2007 | 50th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa: A comparison of feed-forward neural networks and support vector machines on a problem of protein secondary structure prediction (with L. Tsilo). |
Nov. 2007 | 50th Annual Congress of the South African Mathematical Society, University of Cape Town, South Africa: Lattice-valued uniform convergence spaces – the case of enriched lattices (with A. Craig). |
Nov. 2006 | 49th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association. University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa (with N. Ndebele): A comparison of different clustering algorithms and their use in image compression. |
June 2003 | MN-Seminar, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany: Interpretation of SAR-Images with Neuro-Fuzzy Methods. |
Sep. 2001 | Mini Fuzzy Fest, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa: Fuzzy Properties in Fuzzy Topology. |
May 2000 | 3rd European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Munich, Germany: Knowledge Based Quality Assessment and Improvement of Digital Elevation Models Derived from Interferometric SAR Data. |
Feb. 1999 | 20th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, Topological and Algebraic Structures, Linz, Austria: Compactness in Function Spaces in Fuzzy Topology. |
Oct. 1999 | IGARSS 99, Hamburg, Germany: Supervised fuzzy classification of SAR imagesusing multiple sources. |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Gunther Jäger
+49 3831 45 6706
314, Haus 19