At the School of Business Studies you will develop innovative problem-solving strategies with us for various topics relevant in practice. Through a variety of business-related research projects, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences offers you intensive practical relevance. The knowledge gained flows directly into the teaching.
Key areas
Application-oriented research in the School of Business Studies currently focuses on the following topics:
- Further development of business management methods, especially for SMEs
- SME research and entrepreneurship
- Regional development and cooperation
- Sustainability management
- Tax accounting and corporate taxation
- Business Intelligence & Analytic Intelligence
- Collective intelligence, social media and interactive value creation
- IT Governance and IT Compliance
- Media and Brand Management
- Leisure and Tourism Management
- International Business Relations, Intercultural Research and Management, especially in the Baltic Sea Region
Your contact person is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jasminko Novak, representative of the School in the Research Commission of the Rectorate.
The aim of the Baltic Management Review is to provide an outlet for theoretical, empirical, and applied research in all scientific areas of business administration and applied economics. Papers applying a special institutional setting in the Baltic Sea Region to issues related to financial and commodities markets are particularly welcome. The Baltic Management Review is an editor-referred journal and publishes high quality, original manuscripts. Articles must be written in English in a clear concise way. ISSN: 1865-8679
Editors: Olaf Ehrhardt, Dirk Engel, Markus Scheibel, Patrick Moore,
Editorial Board: Thomas Burkhardt, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Eric Nowak, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Franciszek Blawat, University of Technology Gedansk, Poland
Submissions: Please send your WORD-document to
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Prof. Dr. Niehus has been dealing for some time with accounting and valuation issues concerning participations, foreign currency and liability items as well as inventories. Here you will find a list of his publications.
Prof. Dr. Richter has been working for years on issues of corporate taxation, in particular the taxation of partnerships and corporations, as well as the systematic foundations of tax law. Here you will find a list of his publications.
The faculty's research projects are usually realised together with companies based in the region or with various academic, sometimes also international partners. Our large network offers you a wide range of opportunities to get involved. For example, you can actively contribute to the success of current projects by writing term papers and theses, by working on projects or as a student or research assistant.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz
The project "BalticMuseums: Love IT!" (2017-2020) aims to create IT-supported visitor offers for museums and science centres in the southern Baltic Sea region in order to increase the number of visitors, especially in the low season and from international origin. To this end, museums, tourist attractions, IT specialists and research institutions from Poland (4), Denmark (1), Sweden (1), Lithuania (1) and Germany (2) as well as eight associated partners are cooperating.
Under the leadership of the University of Szczecin, applications for visitors' smartphones are being developed based on the concepts of "Bring Your Own Device", "Gamification" and "User Experience". For this purpose, IT enthusiasts are invited to programming events (hackathons) in the tourist facilities, for example. The exchange of knowledge between the partners on conceptual work with visitors forms the basis of the project, which should lead to a common brand of the developed applications.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences is responsible for project communication, project management and the design and evaluation of a visitor survey. Another focus will be on the knowledge management of the project, in which an online platform will give other institutions access to the project experiences and results.
The project is co-financed by the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 - 2020.

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Michael Klotz
BalticMuseums 2.0 Plus is an EU project in which Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, the German Maritime Museum and other university and museum partners from Poland, Lithuania and Russia work together. Together with the project partners, various information products and services, such as the multilingual online platform or multilingual eGuides in the museums, were developed to lead visitors on an exciting journey of discovery through the museums. Find out more about BalticMuseums 2.0 Plus on the project's own website.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
The aim of the project is to establish a B-t-B service unit for national and regional institutions of the tourism industry in the (southern) Baltic Sea region. Service offers (such as event formats, market research instruments, instruments for quality assurance and measurement) are to be identified together with partners in Denmark, Germany, Lithuania and Poland and implemented as examples within the project.
The project implementation of the work modules for which HOST is responsible focuses on identifying, using and making available open data for the development of tourism demand as well as for benchmarking tourism destinations in the (southern) Baltic Sea region.
As a direct result of the project, a largely autonomous monitoring tool is to be developed on the basis of the data, which will enable the (partially) automated creation of reports on tourism demand and the benchmarking of tourism destinations in the (southern) Baltic Sea region.
More information on the overall project is available on the website of the project leader - the TMV Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V..
The project is supported under project no. SHTB.02.01.00-DE-0028/16 within the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 - 2020.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel and Prof. Dr. Artus Hanslik
The project internationalisation behaviour investigates the different forms of market entry in foreign markets. The main interest lies in explaining the choice of market entry form and analysing the effects on company development indicators. The cooperation partner is Jun. Prof. Dr. Vivien Procher from the Jackstädt Centre at the University of Wuppertal.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Dirk Engel
This project examines which measures contribute to reducing financing bottlenecks in companies. To this end, one sub-project will examine the role of external equity investors. A second sub-project deals with the question of corporate taxation, which changes internal financing and thus influences investment opportunities. Cooperation partners are Dr Lars Siemers from the University of Siegen and Dr Joel Stiebale from the University of Nottingham.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen
The aim of the "Russian Investment Monitor" (RIM) is to research, analyse and publish data on Russian direct investment behaviour in Germany. In contrast to existing statistical data on Russian direct investment behaviour on the basis of financial flows, RIM is based on individual company data and thus enables a small-scale analysis for the first time (e.g. geography, sector, investment type, job effects).
The project implementation focuses on the identification and evaluation (e.g. accessibility, quality) of suitable sources of individual enterprise data. From the sources classified as suitable, the individual company data (including name, addresses, activity, company structure) of an estimated 1,200 Russian companies in Germany will be compiled in an internal database.
The immediate result of the project will be an analysis of Russian direct investment behaviour in Germany by geographical location. The "investment hotspots" will be presented in a ranking. Using recognised scientific approaches (calculation of location quotients; shift-share analysis), indications for the distribution of Russian direct investment in Germany will be identified. On the basis of these indications, measures to increase the direct investment share can potentially be named/recommended.
As an indirect result of the project, in-depth analyses can be prepared on the basis of the data and presented and discussed at specialist events. By updating the data within the framework of the BMS study programme, a monitoring system is created through which HOST can make a contribution to discussions in the professional policy arena.
Project leader: Jörn Kolbe, students of the Leisure and Tourism Management and Business Administration degree programmes
Through the project as part of the study course "Applied Project Management" and in cooperation with Mr. Jörn Kolbe, mobility in the Hanseatic City of Stralsund is to be increased. The team of students is working on a fundraising project to finance a bicycle parking system. The "Park & Bike" system is intended to provide a practical alternative to the often difficult and time-consuming search for parking spaces in the old town.

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Jacobsen as well as students in the 3rd semester of the degree programme "International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS)"
Since 1995, the study programme "International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS)" (formerly "Baltic Management Studies") has held the Baltic Sea Forum annually in October.
On two days, general as well as sector-specific information is presented by recognised experts for one of the Baltic Sea region's focal countries, which changes every year (2016: Russia; 2017: Finland). The sector-specific information focuses on the key economic sectors of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Food, logistics and tourism.
The Baltic Sea Forum is a networking event that brings together companies, organisations, students and teachers with an interest and affinity for the Baltic Sea region.
For more information and to register for the next forum, please visit the Baltic Sea Forum website.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Niehus, Prof. Dr. Heiner Richter und Prof. Dr. Beate Sieven
More than almost any other discipline, tax science is fertilised by practice. Like hardly any other field, tax practice thrives on the scientific examination of tax problem areas. Hardly any other topic is met with as much reverence in Germany as taxes, and yet the complexity of taxes is often lamented in political discussions. We are confident that the once again broad and interesting selection of topics will document the close interlocking of practice and tax science, and would be very pleased about your participation.

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Heiko Auerbach and Prof. Dr. Norbert Zdrowomyslaw
SteP is an initiative of the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, the Stralsund SME Association and the Hanseatic City of Stralsund. The project aims to bring together stakeholders from the region, strengthen cooperation between science and practice, promote knowledge and technology transfer and create ideas and concepts for sustainable business and regional development. You can find further information on the website .
Project leader: Prof. Dr. iur. Claudia Danker
Lecture events on various topics in science and business are held at regular intervals under the heading of "Studium generale" at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences.
You can find more information about the lectures in our programme overview.
Close cooperation takes place with the cross-faculty Institute for Applied Computer Science (IACS) and the Institute of Renewable Energy Systems (IRES) at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences. Third-party funding for research projects is obtained here and doctoral students are trained.