Excursion: New York, October 2016
Leisure and Tourism Management
In the course of this week, 20 LTM students are visiting New York together with Prof. Rasmussen and Mrs. Christiansen. After strolling along the 'Madison Square Eats Market‘, the group was warmly welcomed by Emily and Claire from Urbanspace who gave them an overview about their business. In the afternoon, the group visited NYC & Company were they met Peter. During his presentation the students gained an insight view of the official destination marketing organization of New York City. For the following days several other companies such as JFk Airport, World Trade Center, German National Tourist Office and many more are going to be visited.

Die Exkursionen ins In- und Ausland sind ein besonderes Merkmal des Studiengangs Leisure and Tourism Management. Sie werden zusätzlich zum obligatorischen Auslandsaufenthalt angeboten und sind in der Studienphase verankert.