Teaching Abroad

The ERASMUS+ provides an opportunity to teach at one of the Erasmus+ partner universities of Stralsund University of Applied Sciences for a limited period of time.

Instructions & Completion Guide - Erasmus+ STA & STT Mobilities

Please find information by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for staff mobility here.


Current Announcements

Erasmus+ STA

→ Application deadline: November 15. with start of the mobility in the 1. quarter of the following year

→ Application deadline: February 15. with start of the mobility in the 2. quarter of the calendar year

→ Application deadline: May 15. with start of the mobility in the 3. quarter of the calendar year

→ Application deadline: August 15. with start of the mobility in the 4. quarter of the calendar year

In especially justified exceptional cases, the staff mobility can be requested outside the mentioned deadlines.

Programmes and Information

Who may carry out an ERASMUS+ Teaching abroad?
  • Professors and Lecturers
  • Scientific Assistants and PhD Students, who are active in teaching
  • Staff from foreign companies and organisations (can be invited to German universities for educational purposes)
Goals of Teaching Abroad
  • strengthening of the European dimensions of the host university through supplementing the course offer, and exchange of expertise from guest lecturers to students who cannot or do not like to study abroad
  • development of joint study programs among the partner universities
  • exchange of educational content and methods 
Duration of the Teaching Abroad
  • a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days for program countries (travel time excluded)
  • eight hours teaching time per stay for the first week or a shorter stay are obliged (Project 2017-2019)
  • pro rata calculation of the minimum working hours for each further day of stay beyond one week (seven days)
Mobility Grants

The financial support is based on the different costs of living in the program countries.

Flat-rate financing for stays

The following daily rates are adapted for four country groups until the 14th day of stay, from the 15th until the 16th day of stay the financial support is 70% of the daily rates:

Project 2021:

  • Group 1: 180 euros per day for Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
  • Group 2: 160 euros per day for Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
  • Group 3: 140 Euro per day for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
  • partner country: 180 euros per day

Traveling Expenses

The traveling expenses are determined by the dependency of the distance between the place of departure and the destination of the mobility. Therefore, a unified calculation instrument is used. The following sums are refunded, per stay and in dependency of the distance, for the project 2021:


Kilometer                             Travel allowance           Green Travel

10 und 99 KM                                23 EUR                                     -
100 und 499 KM                           180 EUR                           + 30 EUR
500 und 1999 KM                         275 EUR                           + 45 EUR
2000 und 2999 KM                       360 EUR                           + 50 EUR
3000 und 3999 KM                       530 EUR                           + 80 EUR
4000 und 7999 KM                       820 EUR                                  -
8000 KM oder mehr                    1500 EUR                                 -


If applicable, special grants for university staff with special needs

Funding Conditions
  • valid ERASMUS+ partnership agreement with the foreign university
  • teaching staff of the university
  • at least 8 hours of teaching per week at the partner university and, if applicable, pro rata increase of teaching workload for longer stays (look at Duration/Project 2017-19)
  • stays abroad at a minimum of two days and a maximum of 60 days (plus travel days)
  • invitation from the partner university (e-mail is sufficient)
  • allowance for the business trip by supervisor
  • complete processing of the ERASMUS+ documents and the EU-Survey
  • short report about execution and performance of the mobility
  • availability of funds (approval by ERASMUS+ coordinator of the university)
  • a preferred fund for guest lecturers that is based on the following criteria, takes place:
  • at partner universities in the baltic sea region (strategic main focus on the state mecklenburg-western pomerania) or/and
  • at partner universities with insufficient admission capacity measured by the demand of outgoing-students or rather by a non-reciprocal incoming-amount at the University of Stralsund (reciprocity of student committee) or/and
  • in the context of research focus by the University of Stralsund or/and
  • for first time applicants
  • Online Application form
  • invitation by partner university (e-mail), in which the teaching programm for the planned mobility is explained
  • theNotification of work-related travelapproved by the supervisor and the principal
  • completely filled in ERASMUS+ Mobility Agreement. Please note: the signature of the partner university must not be submitted in the original. A scanned copy, additionally signed by the applicant, can be submitted to the ERAMSUS+ coordinator for signature
  • if applicable, a teaching assignment

Approvals are given due to the fulfillment of the grant conditions and the available funds for the ongoing ERASMUS+ program year.

After the inspection of the submitted applications the selection decision is made by the ERASMUS+ coordinator of the university and is communicated by the outgoing-coordinator to the applicants within 14 days.

The ERASMUS+ coordinator provides you with the Grant Agreement (Funding Agreement) and sends you this and the Form Confirmation of Stay (Certificate for Residence) via e-mail.

You are asked to sign the printed Grant Agreement and send it back to the International Office for their signature. As soon as every document is completed, you will receive an advance transfer of 80% of the agreed ERASMUS+ grant within 30 days.

Important Information for the Organisation of the Mobility Phase

Certificate of Residence shortly before the return: Please let the duration of the stay confirm in the Confirmation of Stay (first/last working day - without travel days). If the training also takes place on the weekend it must be confirmed in the document.

Insurance Coverage: Please check your insurance coverage abroad. With the ERASMUS+ mobility fund there is no related insurance coverage.

Income Tax Return: Due to the lump-sum refunding for your training, these transactions have to be reported in your income tax return. Please keep all bills/tickets or similar paper of your journey to prove these expenses in your income tax return.

Car-Usage – no liability for damages: Please keep in mind that the University of Stralsund takes no liability for damages caused by the usage of a vehicle (valid for your car and rent cars)

No Ticket-Bookings via the HOST: Ticket and hotel bookings and similar cannot be made via the University of Stralsund.

Billing of the Mobility Phase

The following documents must be submitted within 30 days after the mobility phase:

  • Certificate of Residence/ Confirmation of Stay (as scan via e-Mail to the International Office is sufficient)
  • EU-Survey-Online questionnaire/Participants report (therefore you will receive a link via e-mail)

Contact Person

Christine Tokaji

Koordinatorin Outgoing


+49 3831 45 6539


126, Haus 1

Attention: Consultations on site currently take place only upon request!

Office Hours:

Office Hours: Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. & Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Online (by appointment): www.gotomeet.me/IntOff/outgoing

Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Book an appointment

Further appointments and in urgent cases consultation on site by arrangement.