Motorsport Engineering

Bachelor Program

In the Motorsport Engineering program at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, you will become an expert in vehicle technology. In addition to your studies, you can become part of one of the three motorsport teams at the university and even have your achievements credited as examination performance.

In the first semesters, subjects such as physics, chemistry, technical mechanics, thermodynamics, machine elements and design are on the schedule. The subjects chassis, bodywork, engine technology and engine application tie the basics together in the second part of the course. During laboratory experiments in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics as well as piston machines and automotive engineering, you will deepen your knowledge from the lectures. The seventh semester is a practical semester.

Your expert knowledge in the field of automotive engineering will enable you to take off with a degree in Motorsport Engineering at national and international companies. The fields of motorsports, sporty production vehicles or the automotive supply industry are possible fields of work. Automotive manufacturers with a sporting focus, engineering service providers or racing companies are also potential employers. Racing engineers develop modern vehicles and innovative vehicle concepts. As a graduate, you can expect a starting salary of 4,200 euros gross, depending on the industry.

Fact Sheet


Program Motorsport Engineering
School School of Mechanical Engineering
Starts in winter term
Admission no admission restrictions (see requirements below)
Length of study 7 semester
Creditpoints 210
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Main language of instruction German

Visit us

Program Management

Genereal Student Advice Office

Christina Wanke



+49 3831 45 6513


117, Haus 1